Platform Features for Therapist
Here you will see all the features you can enjoy and use on the platform
Receive 100% of the billable charge plus 85c per km for travel !
1. Convience
Organise your own calendar, working hours, days and times
2. Convience
3. Convience
Receive booking request, read about the clients, pick and chose when to provide therapy
Repeat bookings as you see fit, weekly, fortnightly or one off
4. Convience
Place and write your clinical notes within the platform
5. Accessibility
Receive report requests from clients
6. Convience
Upload reports to clients
7. Accessibility
Upload your own resources in your therapist literary
8. Growth
Connect with other therapists to Discuss clients, receive information on your community page with other therapists in your profession and other disciplines
9. Automation
All invoices are automatically generated after a session is completed - the invoice will include session length and travel cost - saving you time and effort in administrative tasks
10. Ease of use
If multiple clients want the same booking spot, they will be asked to join your very own wait-list so you can access those clients when an opening spot occurs.
11. Desirability
If a client wants to book with you and they live outside your selected travel radous, they can choose to book with you over tehehealth.
12. Convience
You do not need to register with the NDIS - we look after all audits and registration
13. Desirability
Book yourself with a full calendar or work selected hours
14. Ease of use
Chat with clients to get a better understanding before confirming the booing
15. Safety
You will receive the clients risk assessment before confirming the appointment