Looking for a Therapist?
No more Wait-List, no more Travelling. Just therapy in the comfort of your own home. Anywhere - Anytime.
Or perhaps you live in a remote location and can't get the therapy or care you need.
Get medical attention in the comfort of your own home now with a simple click and one of our therapists will come to you whenever you are nationwide
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Are you trying to book an appointment with a therapist but don’t have time to call around, find a suitable time, drive to the clinic, look for parking, and fight the traffic? Are you tired of long Wait-Lists and constant delays?
On My Way connects you with qualified and experienced therapists who can provide you with home visits or telehealth consultations wherever you are nationwide based on your needs
Our platform does everything for you. You can choose the therapist that best suits your needs, location, and availability. Book an appointment right away and get the care you deserve
On My Way Therapy is available to clients on NDIS, Medicare and Private Health Cover